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Hey guys, this is now a website where I compile the entire script of the hit rpg maker game OFF

WORK IN PROGRESS !!!!! Last edited December 25th, 2024. Happy holidays! :D

Will I finish it? Idk, probably not honestly. Will I still enjoy doing it? Hopefully! I like this game and writing transcripts is very fun for me, carpal tunnel be damned. Also, I'd like to say that this idea was basically stolen from lovingly inspired by the In Stars and Time Script Project! Go check it out, it is truly a labor of love!


Note: I am sourcing these translations from the OFF Fandom Wiki and Unproductive Fun Time's website. (https is not available for the latter if that's important to you)

Throughout the years, there have been several fanmade efforts to translate the game from its original French in a wide variety of languages (This website will be mainly focused on the various English translations, though French and Spanish are not off the table). As far as I am aware, OFF has never been localized in an official capacity until the recently revealed Steam and Nintendo Switch releases, so it will be interesting to see how the official translation differs from fan interpretations. I anticipate a very mixed reception, at the very least. The English fan translations were as follows:

  1. v1.0, headed by RecDra, released September 8th, 2011.
    1. It seems that every link to this download is broken, along with the Fandom Wiki saying that there are no downloads that were archived. Seems like I can't save this one...
  2. v2.0, headed by RecDra, released December 25th, 2012.
  3. OFF: Balance Rebalance Project, a mod by Crystalwarrior, released March 14th, 2015.
    1. This mod is focused mostly on improving the combat, but since there are some translation edits I will include it here. Also, this is the version that is linked on Unproductive Fun Time's website, despite it seemingly not being the version that the fanbase at large perfers. Or maybe it is? I'm not sure. v2.0 and this could be the same translation-wise for all I know. It's kind of confusing. Probably just me though.
  4. The v2.0 update, by Saytenn, released June 4th, 2016.
  5. v3.0, headed by RecDra, released March 15th, 2018.
  6. OFF: Forgotten Dreams, published by Ivy Nivek, released December 7th, 2023.
    1. This version is notable not only for its recency, but also for the important distinction that it is intended to be a localization and not a direct translation like the previous versions were.

I am sort of confused on where and how to download the original v2.0, so I will focus on everything after that for now. If all else fails then I'll find a youtube playthrough and transcribe that. I do hope I can find a download myself though... oh well.

Guess I'll start with 2016's v2.0.

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