OFF Translation v2.0 2016

Just a heads up that this page is gonna look so ass for so long, I swear. I have to actually collect the script before formatting it to look all pretty, after all. Just a warning.


This is the very start of the game right as you leave the title screen.

If this text is hard to read, P L E A S E E X I T T H E G A M E A N D I N S T A L L T H E F O N T F I L E S I N T H E G A M E ' S F O L D E R .

Caution - It is possible that certain scenes in this game are shocking to an unwarned public. Or maybe not...

After you choose your name:

Your name is Player, correct?

The player's next choice:

All choices lead to:

Alright. / Welcome, Player. / You have been assigned to a being called "The Batter". / The Batter has an important mission. Be sure that it's accomplished. / We will let you out in zone 0. Good luck. / For more information, find the one called "The Judge".

Zone 0

The Batter: To move my body, use the arrow keys on your keyboard. / To interact with the environment, use the spacebar of the enter key.

Zone 1

Zone 2

Zone 3